Skyrim Male Followers Mods

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Male Companion Mod anyone knows a good male companion mod?too many female companions in my party,I want some bros to even it out.I already know interesting NPCs.

  1. Skyrim Male Follower Mod Xbox One
  2. Skyrim Se Best Male Followers
  1. Aug 25, 2017.
  2. Anyone know any mods that add good male followers? Went to the nexus and had a hard time finding any male followers in the tidal wave of female followers. I've got a bunch of good female followers already but only one dude so far. The few I did find seemed to be a basic npc like that of a.
  3. I've kept J'zargo as my follower for the entire game so far (with the exception of forced followers in quests) and I am a level 59. I have a full suit of dragon armor on him, his very own glass sword with his name on it, Mehrune's Razor the spellbreaker shield, a ring I named 'gills' (can swim underwater without drowning), some staffs and Savos Aren's Amulet.
  4. Companion Valfar The Return of Thorald Grey-Mane-A Fully Voiced-Standalone Male Companion Darrow Greylock Mage of Winterhold Elven Male Custom Voiced Follower Carry On Skyrim - Professor Benjamin Doon STANDALONE FOLLOWER Yashira - Custom Voiced Redguard Follower.
A list of the top ten best followers in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

The Top Ten


Best follower. She's the type I'd fall in love with in a heart beat. Plus she's the most interesting. Aela may give her blood to make you a werewolf but apparently she will only do it once. After your cured your screwed if you wanted to go back. Serana on the other hand can change you to a vampire lord again and again after you have cured yourself. (She can bite me any day is all I got to say. ) and if your an archer she can make your eleven arrows even stronger. If not, it's something to consider. Last but not least she actually has a story. Now don't get me wrong I thought Aela was hot. But she did not have no story besides to be part of a few quests and send you off to kill a few silver hands.

Most interesting of all followers; almost childlike, in her post adolescent curiosity, but one helluva lady in a fight. Very quick to spot an ambush, if you keep her close. Good ranged magic, but a one vampire army when equipped with staves.. Keep a good supply of charged soul gems when traveling with this lady. Her reluctance to engage in melee keeps her out of your way while she's pelting enemies with frost spikes and the like. Also excellent on the sneak attack. If your a melee type fighter, she'll keep your flanks clear and watch your rear.
However, she can be a P.I.A. with her constant mimicry and complaints about the weather.

Was a Lydia guy in my past saves. But when I got all the dlc's and finished DG, I didn't marry anyone else. Will probably remain unmarried even when they add the feature that she's open for marriage, because she's a really good follower. A health drain in one hand, destruction on the other, can resurrect nearby corpses, is a vampire and can turn you into one as much as you want, really stealthy, doesn't get in the way, has one of the best (if not the best) back story (come on, all that 'saving the vampire princess '-esque dialogue with her parents? ), and she can interact with her environment.
Especially that sarcasm. 'Teamwork right there. ' when she kills someone herself. But when you take her to places like Eldergleam Sanctuary, she'll comment that the place is beautiful, and that she's glad you're there with her (adding more pain for the pro-marriage players). And more comments on more things.
Who doesn't like a follower that flails around like a drunk, tankard in ..more

Still haven't brought her back to her family home yet.. and it's been three days now, laugh out loud. Combined with your Huscarl, she is, by far, the absolute greatest secondary companion of all time. She efficiently dual wields a weapon in one hand and rather potent magicks in the other. Unlike lesser vampires, she can follow you anywhere--even outside in the daylight, or even into a city--, without burning up or getting attacked for being, well, a vampire. I haven't tried her out yet as the only companion, but come on. Zombie Snow Sabre Cat Thrall?
There's no way you can pass that up.


I've kept J'zargo as my follower for the entire game so far (with the exception of forced followers in quests) and I am a level 59. I have a full suit of dragon armor on him, his very own glass sword with his name on it, Mehrune's Razor the spellbreaker shield, a ring I named 'gills' (can swim underwater without drowning), some staffs and Savos Aren's Amulet. I like J'zargo so much I've reloaded games just to keep him if he got killed in a quest. Thankfully that's only happened about two or three times. He is a pretty strong character. Give him a selection of staffs and he will use them. His favorite go to weapon is Mehrune's Razor. He is a strong mage who typically kills with lightning strikes and shock damage. Most of the other character's dialog annoys me. J'zargo has a cool accent and simple dialog so not to be so annoying.

J'zargo has the lowest levels of spells of all mage followers.. that having been said on many board why NOT to use him, I found a simple approach to fix it! Since he will level all the way with you, give him very high staffs, he won't run out of charges as a follower. You should see him with double fireball blasters! Double BOOM. He's like a machine gun that way. Also this seems to keep him back out of the front line a bit more as he has distance and is very accurate with it.

Why is this fleabag even this high up? He does level with you, sure, but he constantly brags about how he thinks he is better than you, which gets old really quickly. His levelling doesn't necessarily make him a great mage, it's his spells that do all the glory. With only apprentice level spells in every mage skill tree, you are better off with Talvas Fathyron or Illia than this retard.

Definitely my most memorable follower, just give him the staff of Magnus after you are done with it, why? Because screw that thing, also don't give him the Arch-mage's robes because in my experience with trying to make him wear it he just takes his shirt off. DUDE HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A KAHJIIT'S RIBS?

3Aela the Huntress

Aela. She kills a giant on your first visit to Whiterun near the Hanningbrew Meadery. While giants aren't that difficult, it is kinda badass. Did I say she was a werewolf? A werewolf. More badass-ed-ness right there my friends. She is a valiant, honorable companion. She can kill with a bow like nobody's business. And if you give her some enchanted weapons like a sword or some waraxes.. Woah. Aela is my all-time follower. Bar none.

Who else could have first place?
Aela is good looking, strong and just a great character.
She deserves the top place due mainly to the fact that she
Is one of the only plot based followers and she gives you
Her blood so that you may become a werewolf.
There is no-one better to have at your side.

Na, use her till level 40 and marry her, she stops leveling there. Then use wither Myoil the lioness for a battle tank that can't die or J'Zargo with staffs. That said, my personal favorite is Lilia, at high levels her ice and frost shuts down mages fast.

I don't really care for her. don't get me wrong, she is an amazing fighter and all. But it looks like a tire ran over her face and to me it's not worth doing ALL the companions quest just to get her.


He was one of the first characters I met when I bumped into him on the road with his broken wheel. Was happily surprised to meet him again later on, he is as loyal as can be to you from beginning to end - and also the only follower I know to randomly start dancing as you're going through caves and dungeons. He's the only follower who keeps me sane, all the other ones start driving me nuts after a while

I always make a point to get Cicero as early in the game as possible. There's a number of places I won't go unless he's with me. He is so well-written with an interesting (but sad) backstory that helps you understand his personality a lot better. He's especially great for clearing out dungeons or Dwemer ruins (making them less eerie), and all of his talking might be annoying at first but the guy really grows on you.

Cicero is hands down the best if your character uses stealth at all. His Sneak maxes out at 100. One-handed, 100, Archery 97, light armor 97. Plus he says and does the craziest things. One of the most well conceived characters in the whole game.

He's worth the quest-line. He cracks me up with all his funny jokes. For example 'Next time I see Nelly, I will plunge my knife into her belly! ', and '.. Then he says 'that's no horker that's my wife! ' ' I also love his ebony dagger! SO KEEP HIM ALIVE!

5Mjoll the Lioness

Mjoll is like the Death Star without the weakness in the exhaust port. I played the game the first time through as a male high elf 100% wizard and she was my wife. I had her tanked out in daudric armor with enchanted dautric weapons and she killed everything. At times, she even shoved me out of the way to kill things. Now, I'm playing the game a second time through as a female redguard warrior using 100% weapons, heavy armor and no magic at all. I just hooked up with Mjoll again and we are twins in our orc armor. I think I'll marry her again anyway to add some sexual diversity to the game. All-in-all, Mjoll is a beast; she can't die and she kicks the crap out of everything..'May the White Take You! '

I've tried many, many followers in Skyrim through 5 playthroughs, and Mjoll has always been the best. She always goes straight in and takes all the damage for you, scales up to 40, and does tons of damage. If you give her enchanted weapons and armor she is unstoppable. She's the first follower I get every game, and after having her as a follower all this time, she STILL says things I've never heard her say before. In every playthrough, get Mjoll as soon as you can (level 14 earliest) and you won't regret it.

Mjoll the Lioness is in my opinion the best all around follower. She's versatile with almost anything you give her whether it be one-handed, two-handed, or even staves. She has a lot of inventory space, high health, high attack power, and above all things, she's literally invincible. When she can be downed, but she can never be out.

She has a good story behind her and has her own personal follower, not to mention her gear is as good as orcish gear and she has a level of 45-50 two-handed skill making her deadly in close quarters combat and just like other followers you can change her weapon to anything else you would like.


She squirted on me once when she firmly grasped the weapon I had thrusted into her inventory. We were battling SO hard when I accidentally hit her. She squirted a little on my armor, but I just wiped the bit of blood off and kept playing as normal.

She just goes in and clears em out. She uses magic for protect protection and wepons for offense. She is also one of the only people who can duel wield. Very flexible follower and best bar none.

Just a great companion all around with some nice depth. Sticks with you through thick and thin and never runs.Can really put out the damage. Very respectful and strong at knowing who she is.

Frea can't die and levels indefinitely with the player. She has amazing starter gear and she also looks cool while she slays many enemies. Don allen chop cup routine pdf.


Literally the best mage in the game. Chain lightening spells blast everything away. J'zargo pales in comparison to this absolute beast of a man. That stupid cat probably chases his own tail while Marcurio is discussing and researching Dwemer architecture and history and mechanics like an absolute chad.

Marcurio has been my bestie since I first started playing Skyrim years ago, and even if I haven't saved in ten hours, if he dies, I'm going back. I couldn't live in a Skyrim with no Marcurio making nerdy anthropologist comments about every ruin we enter before blasting any nearby enemies sky high before I even see them.

He's pretty damn awesome and he is the sass lord supreme, and not to mention an ass kicking machine (who steals all of my damn kills and keeps getting in the way or my arrows) but still, my priority companion every time I start a new game.

.. Its Marcurio! He's the best mage NPC in the game bar none. I mean, why wouldn't you want someone who can blast enemies with two-three spells in less than a second? I guess if you were also a mage he would be kill-stealing, but regardless. 500 gold and you broke the game =D


Can't believe she isn't higher on this list, mostly because, you can carry her through Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild without questions. Once she levels at 30, there are others, but for the low game, no one is better if you're the sneaky kind.

Watched her put an arrow through the eye of an invisible vampire, married that woman! Bows, sneak, and can circle dance like the best rogues out there. She was the perfect counter stab to my back biter fighter/thief.

I love her as a follower, but if you marry her and tell her to go home, there is a chance that she will become permanently missing, which is the most annoying thing in the world.

Will go toe-to-toe with dragons, expert in distance attacks with either bow or staff, will use scrolls and does not die unless you kill her. Deserves to be in the top three.


Can't die, plus he's a sweetie when you speak to him.
Proficient in block, one handed, and archery, which archery being his best skill

I remember he scared me the first time I saw him. Now I have him outfitted in full dragon and I would pick him over any follower any day. Except maybe Karjho. Maybe.

Great story, true companion, and when he's with you he's basically the top ranked Argonian in Skyrim so that's pretty cool.

Derkeethus: The bows shooting, dual weilding, sneaky Argonian that likes caves.

10Dark Brotherhood Initiate

Devilish with dual weapons, tag teams well with a housecarl. The only follower you can add in the game that allows you 2 human followers. A quick and agile follower that can cross ground quickly and tie up enemies allowing you to join in OR hit from range. I like Lydia/J'zargo with this guy.

I agree once you arm her with some extra stuff. Once you arm her with another dagger, a sword, and a bow and some arrows, you are ready for launch.

Levels up with you as you progress, has very high sneak, and she's very strong to boot. How can you beat her? Plus she's hot.

There are 2 initiates.. A hot babe and an annoying dude. Both very strong though, and sneaky.

The Contenders

11Brelyna Maryon

She is pleasant and helpful all along,and I found she complements my wood elf conjurer archer very well, as we quickly get a couple of atronachs on the field. If you prefer voice to looks, also a good marriage partner, and she can stay a home when you reach higher levels. If you prefer looks, Azura's priest is a good alternative.

I really wanted to like her, but she is just outclassed by just about every other mage in the game, but this is all outshined by how sweet of a companion and spouse she is!

She is such a boss, she summons atronachs and familiars, uses wards, does massive damage with flames and sparks, and even occasionally heals.

Amazing follower that conjures familiars and flame atronachs. Oh, and she also can kill a dragon priest in seconds.


I've tried a lot of followers: Mjoll, Aela, Serana, Faendal, etc. And, while I enjoy adventuring with Serana, because she's an amazing character, I think Lydia is the strongest by far. I equip her with a fully upgraded Ebony/Daedric armour set, Ysgramor Shield and The Nightingale Sword and Bow. She never have fallen under 80% health (I play Master and Leg dificulty), and I enjoy watching her fight and kick ass alone. Maybe Mjoll could be even bettee as a fightee, but I cannot stand her silly dialogs; while Lydia is more quiet and she has an adorable voice, lol, plus, If you have all DLCs, she becomea a little more talkative. The only 'con' is that she can die, but if you equip her right, she virtually indestructible.

All these other dudes are pretty great, but I think Lydia is the best. She doesn't talk, and can be pushed out of the way if she's blocking your path. Though, most times, she just sorta stares at me. Poor Lydia, she'd probably be happier off in Breezehome with my beggar kid, but I drag her along anyways. She will be sworn to carry my burdens until I find a way to imprison a dragon and make it my follower.

Lydia is a balanced character that can be great if you give her the right stuff like Boethia's ebony mail for sneakiness, a ring to increase one hand, an amulet to raise heavy armor, Wuuthrad, a leveled up bow and so on. She makes good use of everything you give her. She's loyal, has cute big lips and those beautiful almond eyes.

She is the original housecarl and the best female NPC in terms of general behavior. She can be weak and vulnerable at times but is less overpowered than Mjoll and more attractive than Aela. I like her in general and she is a more believable follower and character.

13Farkas & Vilkas

Well honestly, I think vilkas is marriage material for my female Dark Elf character & Farkas is pretty dumb, but the good kind.. Lol, Whatever that means.
Farkas is also a very good friend to my male RedGaurd character and has a somewhat more likeable quality to him, that his twin brother lacks I suppose,
Vilkas is 'likeable' too, but I think he has a personality that grows on you,
I don't count; Serana, Dark brotherhood initiates Female & Male & Cicero (if you didn't kill him), as followers that should be on this 'top 10 followers list',
Only because you can have all these people follow you at once, so I feel there is less of a need to rank them,
Because you won't/don't need to chose them separately, you can have them follow you along side any other of your followers,
But then again these people collectively are arguably the 'best' followers due to the fact that you can have them follow you all at once (this works on all platforms Skyrim ..more

Farkas is good for the archer type who like to hit from far away or for the kind of stealthy people who don't level up their health. Even for the cowards who like to hang back and have other people do the work. Vilkas is a total jerk sometimes, but he's pretty sweet, sometimes. Vilkas is kind of the same, but his styles are a bit different from Farkas'.

Common man farkas is the best.. He is a beast from the start when you meet him and I never stoped admire him because he was one of the few that I liked to.. So FARKAS for the win
P. S he has never told anything bad and also he always gives me advises how to fight better farkas is love farkas is life

Farkas is honestly not that great, they messed up his class. But Vilkas, give him some Daedric armor and weapons and he can one to two shot kill most of my characters. Also I've never had to worry about him dying.


Once took my first bite of human flesh and put on the ring she's been my 'go to girl'.. and yeah that creepy eye, her reverent devotion (to me) and the fact that she conjures up the corpses as fast as I can make them makes her the sexiest of 'em all. Who needs a whining valley girl like Serena when Eola has your back?

She's one tough mage.. I gave her some smithed up dual enchanted forsworn armor items and stole her crappy hide armor and now she can carry even more than I can. I like her 'I smell blood' comment.

She can conjure up a flame atronarch plus reanimate a dead body to help fight! There's so many people fighting for you! Eola, Flame atronarch, Dead Guy, and you! Plus, you can summon any atronarch you want too! Its an army!

She conjures a flame atronach, will use most armor or weapon you give her including staves. Plus she has a cool, creepy eye!

15Uthegerd the Unbroken

I have been using her for a long time and she never dies. She is a great follower because she can use a bow and uses melee weapons. Great all around follower for low and high levels.

You were very ugly. You look'd like a man, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill you. If you come back, I will say 'You do not look like a man.' Oh, there you are Uthegerd.' -Sips_

I had this chick for not even 10 minutes during a quest and she got wrecked instantly. She has badass armor but pretty weak if you'd ask me.

So far she's been a sturdy companion. Guess what's said about her here, is quite true. She is quite strong indeed.


Kharjo has a personality and he sticks out because of that. He is the best in the sense that he's well-rounded, suited for my archer character and funny. He's my favorite follower, even if there is technically stronger or more able followers.

He is so cute and cunning and protects you at all costs. I've become so attached to this follower that I don't want a new one. Once he died by my own hand by accident that I committed suicide so the mission would restart.

Kharjo is a beast, he is strong but he is a little stupid and prone to glitching a lot so he makes good for a lot of laughs! He follows with no sass back and will always be there for you to 'should your burden'

Awesome follower. I use him with a Battle Mage. He has a nasty disposition with the enemy, especially when you give him the Ebony Mail, Mace of Molag Bol, the black star, Predator's grace, and spellbreaker. Pimps like a boss!


I always called him Erik the Red because I felt he was similar to the real life Erik the Red, well in some ways.

Awesome companion he's a great two handed light armour beast he's the follower I use now

Eric is funny as a companion! I never tire of him and he's BAD with a sword and shield

His motivation to adventure keeps him by my side


I adore this Guy!
So Much that l am seriously considering getting a real Giant Wolfhound as a Pet to add to my Tarantula 'Galactus' (look it up) & if you don't know the meaning FOR SHAME! Because of Meeko. Would even use his name even though l always wanted a Huge Dog to call 'Kitty! ! ' Imagine it. Nasty person at the door? 'Kitty Kitty Puss Puss' Snap Snarl Grrr Grrr! ! Haha! !
My only issue that you can't pat him or give him Treats. I'm sure he'd Love some Venison or Rabbit.

Meeko is a no-brainer. He counts as a pet, which means you can use him & another humanoid follower. This poor pup's master died & left him alone in the world. He'll follow you anywhere & risk his life to attack dragons. Plus that adorable face!

I just love having dogs in Skyrim. He is always there beside the player and occasionally barking, very cute. He is loyal and a pretty good fighter, because he will keep off the enimies until you can get to them.

Icurrently have a Meeko and some Orc as a follwer, I'm on smithing skill 84 and both me and Orc are wearing Legendary Dwarven amour. And I must say every single enemy I encounter meet their demise by Meeko and my Orc without me having to lift a finger

19Teldryn Sero

Sero is the best companion and I will refuse to to anything (except the Goldenglow Estate mission, where I briefly dismissed him, which was my biggest mistake ever because I couldn't find him again and had to load a save but ANYWAY) and I love the unique voice and dialogue. One of his funny traits is that he REFUSES to put on any other kind of armor you give him unless it completely covers his face.
He's really reliable when you feel like going all out to kill something, and is super useful against dragons, because he doesn't have to use a bow and arrow, and like everyone else said, he's a great spell sword, and there's not many followers who can do that.
Yeah, this guy is great. I don't really know why everyone is obsessing over Lydia and Aela, and I personally just flat out despise Serana. Short and restrained rant session concluded.

Top 3. He shoots fireballs, summons fire atronachs, and is an awesome melee fighter. He's also one of five followers that can dual wield and he's very good at it. He's good at sneaking but has been known to set off traps sometimes. Totally worth it though. He also has something to comment about many places and situations. Levels to 60.
Interesting voice somewhere between silky and raspy. His starting armor looks so cool and unique, a throwback to Morrowind (my favorite TES game) and it looks more post-apocalyptic than high fantasy which is refreshing. Never seen his face but I bet he's one sexy Dunmer mofo!
Teldryn fanboys are fanboys for a reason. He's just a really strong and versatile follower with a heart of gold. Too bad you can't marry him.

A video on YouTube proves that spellswords are the most powerful followers, and Teldryn happens to be the most powerful spellsword.
I just stood back and watch while he fought and killed dragon priest Krosis as well as a blood dragon!
Not only is he very powerful, but has so much more personality than all the other followers, he makes hilarious sassy comments about every place you visit, yet he seems a genuine nice guy! Not to mention he looks awesome!
Teldryn Sero - Great company, and extremely powerful in battle!

Total badass put him in a fight against the ebony warrior three times and Teldryn won every time! Also he killed Kaarstag. Once I used console commands to spawn every npc and put them against Teldryn, he won two times out of three the one when he lost was because I screwed up and put two of every npc. Bottom line Teldryn Sero DESERVES first place! Also I am pretty sure he is the Nevarine from Morrowind if anybody remembers that game!


The lovely Benor is a loving devoted husband and a mighty warrior who protects my delicate mage body from the evils of the world.

His simple personality that doesn't get annoying combined with the Giants club looking appropriate in his hands makes him an ideal tanky companion.

I remember this guy, I really wanted him as a follower until I realized that he was killed in a dragon attack. Well I guess he can always be deadthralled.

Had him through out the entire game and he always just got back up like a badass.


Spellsword. Probably one of the most versatile play types in the game for your character, because no matter which of the three paths you're more focused on, he can cover. If you go warrior, he's got spells for range. If you go mage, he can tank and charge in with his trusty familiar. Sneaky type? He may get you caught now and again, but he'll get you out just as quick.
My suggestion, just.. Please remember to have him wear the Dawnguard helmet, or something similar. Even a priest mask. Don't forget that only certain enchants work for followers!
Last, but not least, he has no morality. He'll steal for ya! So, if you go about the item dupe glitch, and you find stolen items coming out duped, at least he'll pick them up!. Rrrr Faendal!

Belrand is such a versitile follower. He can use swords, magic, shields, and staves to help him. I recommend you give him destruction staves as well as a staff of paralysis. Although he prefers to use light armor I recommend you give him heavy armor instead, allowing him to tank damage for you if you prefer to play mages or lightly armored charactors. You can give him scrolls as well, but they are used up pretty quickly. My only flaw with him is that he can be pretty rude sometimes, but aren't we all?

I needed a new follower after Lydia ran away (she didn't like J'Zargos falme cloak). Randomly I found Belrand in a tavern and thought 'Why the hell not. Look at his epic hair.' After a while I actually watched him fight (in a stupid outfit with antlers and stuff). He dominated everything plus he had an epic wolf companion. Obviously I crafted him an epic sword and gave it to him. That's how he transformed from 'random guy' to 'epic guy'. Best follower ever.

He's a powerhouse, period. He's more trained in One-Handed skills but if you give him a crazy weapon like a Giant's Club he does just a good job and looks epic holding a 20 pound looking club if he's wearing matching armor. Have him cast his familiar and then he'll either fight with his sword, club, or bow. He does good with crossbows, too!

22Lucien Lachance

Remember him from Oblivion?
He can never truly die, and you can summon and dismiss him much more easily than most followers
He does talk often but it's entertaining and nostalgic, plus the comments are great and entertaining
He's a power so you don't have to charge and release a spell to summon!
Same voice as Sheogorath!


He is a solid fighter with both the sword and bow. A plus about him is that if you marry him, he is pretty much immortal. The only way to kill him is to accidentally attack him during battle.

He destroys everything and dominates everyone! Plus he knows more than any of the other followers about dwarven ruins and caves. He is easily the strongest and most intelligent

Equip him well with best heavy armor and quality swords. He can be totally awesome.

Vorstag is a beast. Best tank. He's super friendly and nice. Best Follower best NPC!


Master level destruction trainer, blasts away most enemies with dual thunderbolts and can heal herself in battle. Plus she's essential so you can never kill her by mistake.

Faralda is a follower? I thought she was just a Teacher at the college of Winterhold


Most underage follower in the game and I believe she is the only Dual wielder or one of very few dual wielders in game!
Upgrade her weapons, enchant one health drain, the other stamina drain, give her a good bow, good armor with armor bonus enchant, then give her as many enchants to archery and wielding that you can. S
She doesn't need latest and greatest to chew threw your enemies but why shoe your enemies mercy?

So nice. Does mostly anything I ask. Great fighter and doesn't talk too much, which I like. Some followers just talk too much, which gets annoying when you're trying to listen to someone else in the game talk.

Should be higher ranked near top!

It's fair to say the Skyrim follower system works much better than its pretty poor Oblivion counterpart.

However, as TES gamers we all know there's always something to complain about.

Whether it be not enough followers or certain companions not being good enough, room for improvement will always exist. Don't worry, there's a solution: modding the hell out of your game.

I've compiled my picks for the absolute best follower mods to add into Skyrim for your downloading pleasure.

Let's discover new followers that you can add to the game, without forgetting some fantastic mods that also serve to enhance the experience with your followers too.

Adding new people to follow you around is always cool. But let's have them stop acting like idiots, that's even better!

20. Aurora and Twilight Followers

I think one of the most essential things that a follower mod needs to have is an impeccable voice over.


I can't tell you that this one is perfect, but both of these followers are fully voiced as well as really well designed.

Aurora and Twilight are fully customizable, which means you'll be able to select their body types and even choose whether you'd like them to be werewolves or vampires.

So is there even more, you ask?

Yes, they can both get married!

19. Eryniel Elf Reborn

Eryniel is an elf who has become one with nature.

She handles herself exceptionally well in combat, and she does so by summoning the strength of all nature spirits to fight at her side.

This unique mod adds a total of 35 new Spriggan spells, all of which are part of Eryniel's magic arsenal.

The character comes with various traits, a warrior skillset, and even the ability to call her your wife. Nice!

18. Tame the Beasts of Skyrim

Have you ever wanted to take control of Skyrim creatures?

I wouldn't blame you if you did – some of the animals in the game would work fantastically as followers. Or even a few modded beasts while you're at it.

Tame the Beasts of Skyrim allows you to do just that!

Approach any creature in the game and speak the ancient elf tongue, which will let you tame them with words. Fight alongside any of your animal brethren.

17. Danariel Stormbow

This mod is basically a remastered version of the 20th mod on my list above.

But instead of Twilight and Aurora, it adds one of the best archer companions that I've ever seen in Skyrim.

Worth checking out if you dig the look, although certainly not the best(or worst) follower mod you can get.

16. Arvak – Legendary Edition

Tired of the basic horses that come with the game?

If the answer is yes, then I might have the solution to your predicaments.

Arvak is a horse/companion that seems to have been taken straight out of Oblivion and thrown onto your doorstep.

Powerful, mighty, and looking slick with its purple flames. What else could you ask of a follower or companion? Maybe not to poop so much, but eh what can you do.

15. Followers Can Relax

In terms of mods that enhance follower experience, this has to be one of my favorites.

No longer will your followers stay with you through thick and thin if you just want to do other stuff without them.

Order them around and have them wander the woods in search of raw materials, or simply tell them to sit down and stay out of the way.

It's up to you to decide what they do. And for some reason they'll just listen, every damn time.

14. Poet Follower

Skyrim Male Follower Mod Xbox One

This relatively small follower comes with the ability to act like an absolutely sadistic barbarian and some of the highest-quality blunt skills that I've seen.

She does remind me of one of those old Final Fantasy characters.

The inspiration to create her might've come from that lore, but she fits so well into Skyrim too.

13. Better Stealth AI for Followers

One thing we can all agree on is the fact that followers are extremely idiotic when it comes to acting with stealth.

If you've ever tried to sneak past an enemy with a follower behind you, chances are that they've rushed to action and ruined all the fun for you.

This mod allows your followers to stop acting like complete tards and focus on the act of stealth whenever you are sticking with it too.

12. Recorder

If you want a useful follower that will spice up your adventures, then Recorder might be the one you're after.

This woman seems to have it all.

And that's quite a huge compliment when said to someone in the world of TES.

Recorder is a masterful bow-woman as well as a fully-voiced character that has some of the best custom dialogue lines I've heard.

Again, I'm glad I'm able to complement the voice lines of a modded character – I've seen some absolute abominations in my days downloading mods for this game. Some people should really stay away from voice acting… but not whoever did Recorder's voice.

11. Tania The Hermit

Tania is an elf that now wanders, lost, the lands of Skyrim.

According to the stories, there used to be a small elven kingdom that was destroyed by an unknown force; she was the sole survivor of the attack.

You can now have her join your adventures while you help her solve her own questions.

Whatever happened to her land?

Who was responsible for bringing it to an end?

Tania is a very interesting follower that might lack a bit of combat expertise, but hey – that's nothing a few hours of training can't fix.

10. Spouses Can Live Everywhere

One of the things that many people hate is how limited spouses seem to be.

Whether you want to have them live with you or have them stay elsewhere, customizing your spouse's behavior doesn't seem to be one of the main features that vanilla Skyrim offers.

This mod allows you to choose where you want your spouses to live, and this doesn't even include custom locations or indoor areas.

You can actually have your spouse live in the streets if that's what your heart wants!

Wherever you decide to set their preferred location, they will act just as they do in any vanilla home.

That includes their vendor features, too.

Skyrim Se Best Male Followers

9. Cerwiden – Smart Healer

A mage with a custom voice? Sign me up!

This amazing follower is one of the most talented mage companions that you can download for the game.

She can assist you during your quests with a lot of help.

The best thing about Cerwiden, though, isn't her prowess as a mage.

Her voice acting is impeccable. And her interactions with other followers and with you, based on environmental changes, are just too good.

If you want a character that feels like more than an NPC, you'll want to check out Cerwiden.

8. Hoth

Hoth is not only the name of the planet where the Rebel Alliance had their base.

Skyrim male nord followers mods

I can't tell you that this one is perfect, but both of these followers are fully voiced as well as really well designed.

Aurora and Twilight are fully customizable, which means you'll be able to select their body types and even choose whether you'd like them to be werewolves or vampires.

So is there even more, you ask?

Yes, they can both get married!

19. Eryniel Elf Reborn

Eryniel is an elf who has become one with nature.

She handles herself exceptionally well in combat, and she does so by summoning the strength of all nature spirits to fight at her side.

This unique mod adds a total of 35 new Spriggan spells, all of which are part of Eryniel's magic arsenal.

The character comes with various traits, a warrior skillset, and even the ability to call her your wife. Nice!

18. Tame the Beasts of Skyrim

Have you ever wanted to take control of Skyrim creatures?

I wouldn't blame you if you did – some of the animals in the game would work fantastically as followers. Or even a few modded beasts while you're at it.

Tame the Beasts of Skyrim allows you to do just that!

Approach any creature in the game and speak the ancient elf tongue, which will let you tame them with words. Fight alongside any of your animal brethren.

17. Danariel Stormbow

This mod is basically a remastered version of the 20th mod on my list above.

But instead of Twilight and Aurora, it adds one of the best archer companions that I've ever seen in Skyrim.

Worth checking out if you dig the look, although certainly not the best(or worst) follower mod you can get.

16. Arvak – Legendary Edition

Tired of the basic horses that come with the game?

If the answer is yes, then I might have the solution to your predicaments.

Arvak is a horse/companion that seems to have been taken straight out of Oblivion and thrown onto your doorstep.

Powerful, mighty, and looking slick with its purple flames. What else could you ask of a follower or companion? Maybe not to poop so much, but eh what can you do.

15. Followers Can Relax

In terms of mods that enhance follower experience, this has to be one of my favorites.

No longer will your followers stay with you through thick and thin if you just want to do other stuff without them.

Order them around and have them wander the woods in search of raw materials, or simply tell them to sit down and stay out of the way.

It's up to you to decide what they do. And for some reason they'll just listen, every damn time.

14. Poet Follower

Skyrim Male Follower Mod Xbox One

This relatively small follower comes with the ability to act like an absolutely sadistic barbarian and some of the highest-quality blunt skills that I've seen.

She does remind me of one of those old Final Fantasy characters.

The inspiration to create her might've come from that lore, but she fits so well into Skyrim too.

13. Better Stealth AI for Followers

One thing we can all agree on is the fact that followers are extremely idiotic when it comes to acting with stealth.

If you've ever tried to sneak past an enemy with a follower behind you, chances are that they've rushed to action and ruined all the fun for you.

This mod allows your followers to stop acting like complete tards and focus on the act of stealth whenever you are sticking with it too.

12. Recorder

If you want a useful follower that will spice up your adventures, then Recorder might be the one you're after.

This woman seems to have it all.

And that's quite a huge compliment when said to someone in the world of TES.

Recorder is a masterful bow-woman as well as a fully-voiced character that has some of the best custom dialogue lines I've heard.

Again, I'm glad I'm able to complement the voice lines of a modded character – I've seen some absolute abominations in my days downloading mods for this game. Some people should really stay away from voice acting… but not whoever did Recorder's voice.

11. Tania The Hermit

Tania is an elf that now wanders, lost, the lands of Skyrim.

According to the stories, there used to be a small elven kingdom that was destroyed by an unknown force; she was the sole survivor of the attack.

You can now have her join your adventures while you help her solve her own questions.

Whatever happened to her land?

Who was responsible for bringing it to an end?

Tania is a very interesting follower that might lack a bit of combat expertise, but hey – that's nothing a few hours of training can't fix.

10. Spouses Can Live Everywhere

One of the things that many people hate is how limited spouses seem to be.

Whether you want to have them live with you or have them stay elsewhere, customizing your spouse's behavior doesn't seem to be one of the main features that vanilla Skyrim offers.

This mod allows you to choose where you want your spouses to live, and this doesn't even include custom locations or indoor areas.

You can actually have your spouse live in the streets if that's what your heart wants!

Wherever you decide to set their preferred location, they will act just as they do in any vanilla home.

That includes their vendor features, too.

Skyrim Se Best Male Followers

9. Cerwiden – Smart Healer

A mage with a custom voice? Sign me up!

This amazing follower is one of the most talented mage companions that you can download for the game.

She can assist you during your quests with a lot of help.

The best thing about Cerwiden, though, isn't her prowess as a mage.

Her voice acting is impeccable. And her interactions with other followers and with you, based on environmental changes, are just too good.

If you want a character that feels like more than an NPC, you'll want to check out Cerwiden.

8. Hoth

Hoth is not only the name of the planet where the Rebel Alliance had their base.

It's also the name of one of the coolest follower mods that you can download for Skyrim. This is the first dude on my list, a spot he has earned by simply looking like a badass and offering a skillset that not many others can match.

This man is as brutal as they come.

He's going to smash through your enemies' skulls with superhuman strength, or simply shoot them from afar with his world-class marksmanship.

If you're looking for a follower that isn't just another pretty face, give Hoth a try. You won't regret having him around.

7. Familiar Faces

Alright, this mod is by far the most original one on this list.

The whole concept of the mod is something that every Skyrim player will love to see.

Familiar Faces allows you to add your other Dragonborns to the game world.

That's right: your other save files will now be able to import themselves into your game, and all of your other characters will now appear in a special area of the world.

Build a shrine for your other selves. Have them follow you around Skyrim as trusty companions to continue both of your adventures together.

Or even fight them to see who is the mightiest Dragonborn.

6. Arissa – The Wandering Rogue

Arissa has to be one of the best-voiced characters that I've ever downloaded for Skyrim.

And trust me when I say that I've downloaded quite a few.

She's a rogue, which makes her a fantastic archer as well as one of the finest pickpockets around.

Like many other character mods on this list, Arissa is completely custom-made from scratch.

She has a unique appearance that makes her differ from many of the other characters in the game. Basically, a really cool follower to keep around.

5. Extensible Follower Framework

If you liked the 'Followers Can Relax' mod then you're going to fall in love with EFF.

This expands the way followers work and takes the experience to a completely different plane of existence.

With EFF you'll be able to tell your followers to remain idle in a certain area, have them go on their horses to get you specific items, dual-wield weapons, or you can even have them change their status to Essential.

This mod allows you to turn followers into whatever it is that you want them to be.

When it comes to customization for your companions, this is the best mod that I've come across.

4. Vilja in Skyrim

Vilja is a cool bard that resembles Daenerys Targaryen a bit, but has her complete opposite personality.

This character comes with a full voiceover which is always nice.

And she'll take any task you give her, also a nice addition.

Her backstory is as cool as they get, too, enriching the experience while holding pretty lore-friendly.

If all things go well between you and her, you might even be able to marry her.

She even has a small story progression system that makes her an even more appealing companion to keep around.

3. Inigo

Inigo, who I'm pretty sure was meant to be called Iñigo but the creator lacked the 'ñ' on his keyboard, is a follower worth looking into.

He's a legendary warrior with over a thousand lines of dialogue to provide a completely reinvigorated follower experience in the game.

The best thing about this guy is the level of depth that the creator of the mod gave him.

The dude can run out of arrows and you'll have to restock him. And he can even level up alongside you to make it all feel even more realistic, yet not OP.

Overall a great addition to your battles and well worth downloading to see what you think.

2. Sofia

I'm pretty sure one of the reasons why this character is so popular in the community is because of the inherent thirst of many players. But trust me – there's much more to Sofia than her looks.

This funny follower is as brave as they come, yet also as valiant as the best.

She is voiced by a professional voice actor and provides you with an experience that no other follower in the game is capable of giving.

Smart, good-looking, and with a killer eye for hunting prey – whether it be a beast or a human. Sofia's a true MVP.

1. UFO: Ultimate Following Overhaul

We have finally reached the follower overhaul to end all follower overhauls.

If you thought that the EFF mod was good, then prepare to meet the best of the bunch.

This one includes a whole list of features that go from improving the basic follower system to adding new stuff that didn't come with vanilla Skyrim. The list is almost endless.

Trust me, you'll want to check it out yourself. Browse the mod page for more info but this is something you'll need to experience to understand.

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